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Zhu Chunling & Wei Yi attended the IRC-SEMS2016 at Beijing

Presented papers:
1.Chunling Zhu,Yihai He.Estimating the change point of the bathtub shape infant failure rate and monitored by a CUSUM chart, April 1-2, 2016, Beijing, China.
2.Wei Yi,Yihai He.Reliability degradation risk early detection approach based on the big warranty data,April 1-2, 2016, Beijing, China.
Date:1-2 April, 2016
Venue:University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,China.
About IRC-SEMS2016
The International Research Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science 2016 (IRC-SEMS2016) took place in Beijing, China, 1-2 April 2016. IRC-SEMS aims to provide a research platform for academics and researchers, particularly young faculty and graduate students, to share and exchange experience and research findings in various disciplines of Systems Engineering and Management Science.


Presentation by Zhu Chunling

Presentation by Wei Yi

Dr.Wang Junjie from XJTU and CityU.