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EAAI paper has been featured and indexed by Advances In Engineering


Title:A fuzzy TOPSIS and Rough Set based approach for mechanism analysis of product infant failure.
Authors:Yihai He,Linbo Wang, Zhenzhen He,and Min Xie.
Database title: Advances In Engineering.
Published date:19 April,2016.
Journal Reference:Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,Volume 47, January 2016, Pages 25-37.
Quality improvement is a routine mission of the product engineering, and the optimization of product infant failure rate is usually the most important and hard work for quality engineers.How to identify and confirm the mechanism of product infant failure from the lifecycle quality and reliability data is a prerequisite for continuous reliability improvement. Traditional method is confined to reliability data and only depends on the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) tools to flow down product infant failure roughly. The paper puts forward a novel technical approach for mechanism analysis of product infant failure based on the quality and reliability data from product lifecycle, which could intelligently decompose fault symptoms into critical design and production parameters based on the relational tree, specifically, this approach emphasizes application of the arti?cial intelligence techniques. In order to specify the object of product infant failure analysis, the connotation of product infant failure based on the product reliability evolution model in the life cycle and analysis framework of inherent reliability in production are presented firstly. Then, along the product design and production processes a decomposition method for relational tree of product infant failure is studied based on the functional, physical and process domain in Axiomatic Design (AD). And the failure relation weight computation of its nodes by means of Rough Set and fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) is expounded. Finally, the validity of the proposed method is verified by a case study of analyzing a car infant failure about body noise vibration harshness (NVH) complaint, and the result shows that the proposed approach is conducive to develop intelligent mechanism analysis of complex product infant failure.