Presented papers:
1.Changchao Gu,Yihai He, Xiao Han. Reliability Oriented Complexity Analysis for Manufacturing System Based on Fuzzy Axiomatic Domain Mapping. 10th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2016),Xi'an,China, Sep 21th to 24th,2016 (EI Indexed Source)
Date:21-24, Sep, 2016
Venue:Xi'an Jiao Tong University, China.
The International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD) is the leading international conferencein the field of design. All submissions are subjected to rigorous review before an acceptance decision is made. Axiomatic design can be applied to the design of products, processes, projects, and systems. It has been called one of the most important engineering developments of the last hundred years. The 10th anniversary of the International Conference on Axiomatic Design will be hosted by the School of Mechanical Engineering at Xi'an Jiao tong University, in Xi'an, China between September 21-24, 2016. ICAD 2016 focuses on the general theme of Axiomatic Design, in particular, in the global context of multiple transformative national design, innovation, and manufacturing strategies such as "Made in China 2025" in China, "Industrial 4.0" in Germany, and "Industrial Internet" in USA, etc.


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