Presented papers:
1.Yixiao Zhao,Yihai He,Anqi Zhang,Di Zhou.Integrated maintenance scheduling considering functional risks of machine in multistate manufacturing systems.The 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR2019) from 3 - 7 June, 2019 in Hong Kong SAR.
2.Anqi Zhang,Yihai He, Yixiao Zhao,Fengdi Liu. Identification of critical characteristics to product manufacturing reliability based on VMEA and ridge regression.The 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR2019) from 3 - 7 June, 2019 in Hong Kong SAR.
Date:June 3-7, 2019
Venue:City University of Hong Kong .
About MMR 2019
The MMR conferences serve as a forum for presenting the latest advances of research in the mathematical theory of reliability and risk management (stochastic modeling, statistical inference, optimization, decision support,...), as well as their applications (aging, maintenance, degradation, prognostic and health management, monitoring, warranty, lifetime data analysis,...). Its objective is to bring together the best international experts in the field, both from academy and various industrial sectors such as energy, aeronautics, automotive, telecommunication,... As a major international forum on reliability, it attracts increasing number of researchers from all countries of the world.
The 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR2019) is been holded at City University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong SAR from 3 - 7 J
une, 2019.

Group photo of attendee from BUAA RSEers