Yihai He(Professor,PhD Supervisor) is the director of the quality and process reliability laboratory at the School of Reliability and Systems Engineering, Beihang University(BUAA),Beijing,China.He is a visiting fellow at City University of Hong Kong(2015.3-2016.3,Cooperated Prof.Xie Min).He received his Ph.D in Industrial And Manufacturing Systems Engineering from Beihang University in 2006 under the supervisoin of Prof.Xiaoqing Tang. His main research interests are Reliability techniques in manufacturing, PHM of manufacturing systems,Manufacturing quality risk analysis and early warning,Advanced quality engineering techniques etc.
He is the author of 5 monographs,28 patents and 2 software copyrights.He has published over 35 SCI indexed papers(an ESI highly cited paper) on international journals including Reliability Engineering and System Safety,IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Computers & Industrial Engineering,Quality and Reliability Engineering International , Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,International Journal of Production Research and Total Quality Management & Business Excellence.He has acquired total research funding as Principal Investigator: over RMB 12 millions in 20 projects of NSFC(National Natural Science Foundation of China) and National Defense Pre-Research Foundation of China etc.He has supervised 30 PhD and Master graduate students.
Teaching Courses&Awards:
1.Quality Culture and Technological Literacy(Postgraduate).
2.Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering(Postgraduate).
3.Introduction to Quality Engineering Technology(Undergraduate).
4.Advanced Quality Engineering Technology(Postgraduate).
5.Excellent graduate supervisor of Beihang University in 2015,2020,2021.
6.First Prize of Outstanding Performance and Achievement in Teaching of Beihang University in 2014.
7.Top ten beloved teacher of Beihang University in 2011 and 2013.
8.Excellent Textbook of Beijing city in 2013
9.Second Prize of Outstanding Performance and Achievement in Teaching of Beijing city in 2017,2019,2020.
10.Excellent teaching award of Beihang University in 2017&2019.
11.Excellent lecturer award of Beihang University in 2018.
12.Outstanding lecturer of postgraduate course award of Beihang University in 2019.
13.Excellent headteacher award of Beihang University in 2021.
Research awards:
1.Second class prize of State Science and Technology Progress Award in 2016.
2.First class prize of State Science and Technology Progress Award in 2011.
3.Third class prize of State Science and Technology Progress Award in 2011.
Association Service:
1.IEEE member(Reliability Society).
2.ASQ full member.
3.Member of branch of reliability engineering of Chinese Association for Applied Statistics.
4.Secretary of the experts group of quality and reliability engineering for national industry.
5.Journal director of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS).
6.Guest Editor of Chinese Journal of Engineering.
7.Reviewer of 9 SCI indexed journals in quality and reliability field.
(1)IEEE transactions on Reliability
(2)Quality and Reliability Engineering International
(3)Computers & Industrial Engineering
(4)Quality Technology and Quantitative Management
(5)International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
(6)ISA Transactions
(7)Engineering applications of artificial intelligence
(8)International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
(9)Control Engineering Practice
Homepage on Beihang University
Personal homepage on School of Reliability and Systems Engineering:
Scopus homepage:
Google scholar homepage is :
Researchgate homepage :
PhDTree homepage
Journal reviewer
1.Quality and Reliability Engineering International
2.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
3.Quality Technology and Quantitative Management
4.Computers & Industrial Engineering
5.ISA Transactions
6.Engineering applications of artificial intelligence
7.International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
8.IEEE transactions on Reliability
9.Control Engineering Practice
Personal Interest
Mountaineering and hiking, footprints: http://www.foooooot.com/userindex/49885/