1.Zhaoxiang Chen,Yihai He, Xiao Han,Yixiao Zhao,Zhen He,Yu Xu,Anqi Zhang.Mission reliability evaluation based on operational quality data for multistate manufacturing systems.International Journal of Production Research.2018,DOI:10.1080/00207543.2018.1508906.
2.Fengdi Liu,Yihai He, Anqi Zhang, Jiaming Cui, Panting Duan,Yu Xu.Product Assembling Quality Risk Control Strategy Based on Reverse RQR Chain.The 12th International Conference on Reliability Maintainability and Safety (ICRMS’2018),Shanghai, China ,Oct 17-19,2018.
3.Panting Duan, Yihai He, Anqi Zhang,Jiaming Cui,Fengdi Liu.Big Data Oriented Root Cause Heuristic Identification Approach Based on FWARM for Quality Accident.The 12th International Conference on Reliability Maintainability and Safety (ICRMS’2018),Shanghai, China ,Oct 17 -19,2018.
4.Anqi Zhang,Yihai He, Yixiao Zhao,Fengdi Liu. Identification of critical characteristics to product manufacturing reliability based on VMEA and ridge regression.The 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR2019) from 3 - 7 June, 2019 in Hong Kong SAR.
5.Zhaoxiang Chen, Yihai He, Jiaming Cui, Xiao Han, Yixiao Zhao, Anqi Zhang, Di Zhou.Product reliability–oriented optimization design of time-between-events control chart system for high-quality manufacturing processes.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture.2019,DOI:10.1177/0954405419863219.
6.Yihai He , Yixiao Zhao,Yi Wei, Anqi Zhang and Di Zhou.Modeling and detecting approach for the change point of electronic product infant failure rate.Microelectronics Reliability,2019, 99: 222-231.
7.Fengdi Liu, Yihai He , Yixiao Zhao, Anqi Zhang and Di Zhou.Risk-Oriented Product Assembly System Health Modeling and Predictive Maintenance Strategy.Sensors 2019, 19(9), 2086.
8.Yihai He,Fengdi Liu, Jiaming Cui, Xiao Han, Yixiao Zhao, Zhaoxiang Chen, DiZhou, Anqi Zhang.Reliability-oriented design of integrated model of preventive maintenance and quality control policy with time-between-events control chart.Computers & Industrial Engineering,2019, 129(3):228-238.
9.Zhaoxiang Chen,Yihai He, Xiao Han,Yixiao Zhao,Zhen He,Yu Xu,Anqi Zhang.Mission reliability evaluation based on operational quality data for multistate manufacturing systems.International Journal of Production Research.2019,57(6): 1840-1856.
10.何益海 ,刘枫棣 ,张安琪 ,赵依潇 ,周迪.一种可靠性导向的产品装配系统健康风险分析方法,专利号:201910053934.4,2019年1月21日,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局。
11.何益海 ,赵依潇 ,刘枫棣 ,周迪, 张安琪.一种基于运行数据融合的多态制造系统运行风险建模方法,专利号:201910079789.7,2019年1月28日,中华人民共和国国家知识产权局。
13.Anqi Zhang, Yihai He, ChengchengWang, Jishan Zhang and Zixuan Zhang.Root cause identification approach using decomposition of QFD and extended RPN for product manufacturing reliability degradation.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability,2021,https://doi.org/10.1177/1748006X211043656.
14.Anqi Zhang, Yihai He, Xiao Han, Yao Li, Xiuzhen Yang,Zixuan Zhang.Modeling Product Manufacturing Reliability with Quality Variations Centered on the Multilayered Coupling Operational Characteristics of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems.Sensors,2020,20(19), 5677.
15.Yihai He, Anqi Zhang, Fengdi Liu, Xiao Han, Di Zhou.Reliability loss–oriented product assembling quality risk modeling approach based on reliability–quality–reliability chain.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture,2020,234(10) :1355-1366.
16.Zhang A.Q., He Y.H., Wang C.C., et al. Root cause identification approach using decomposition of QFD and extended RPN for product manufacturing reliability degradation[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1177/1748006X211043656.
1.2019年9月 北京航空航天大学研究生学业一等奖学金;
2.2020年9月 北京航空航天大学研究生学业一等奖学金;
3.2020年8月 北京航空航天大学2019-2020年度研究生会优秀学生干部;
4.2020年11月 北京航空航天大学2019-2020年度研究生校级三好学生;
5.2021年1月 北京航空航天大学2020年优秀研究生;
6.2021年9月 北京航空航天大学2021年硕士研究生国家奖学金;
7.2021年12月 北京市研究生优秀毕业生。