(HE Yihai ) Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae, Aug.2015
School of Reliability and Systems Engineering
Date of Birth: October 17, 1976
Beihang University
Xueyuan Road No.37
Haidian District, Beijing
Citizenship: China
Sex: Male
Major: Quality and Reliability Engineering
Office Telephone:86-10-82338673
Professional Title: Associate Professor
Associate Professor, Department of Systems Engineering, School of Reliability and Systems Engineering, Beihang University, 2016.7-present
Visiting Fellow,Cooperated Prof. Xie Min,Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management,City University of Hong Kong,2015.3-2016.3
Lecturer, Department of Systems Engineering, School of Reliability and Systems Engineering, Beihang University, 2007.4-2013.6
Ph.D. study, 2002.9-2007.1,Ph.D. Thesis Title:Research on Design for Quality Based on Product Key Quality Characteristics,Ph.D. Supervisor: Prof. Xiaoqing Tang, School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Beihang University, China
Master study, 2000.9-2002.7,Preparing for doctor degree in advance, School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Beihang University, China
Bachelor study, 1996.9-2000.7, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Jinan,China
Reliability techniques in manufacturing,Quality risk analysis and early warning,Advanced quality engineering techniques, Production systems Engineering.
Research Grants
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2015-2018, Research on the degradation mechanism and suppression methods based on the extended QR chain RQR for product reliability in manufacturing(61473017) (PI).
2. National Industrial Technology Foundation of China, 2014-2018, Research on the comprehensive evaluation index and method of national macro-quality (PI).
3. National Technical Pre-research Foundation of China, 2009-2010, Research on the quality control and evaluation technologies in batch manufacturing of complex electro-mechanical product (PI).
4. National Industrial Technology Foundation of China, 2016-2018, Research on the product quality risk detection and early warning based on the big quality data in lifecycle (PI).
Selected Publications
Refereed Journals
9.Yihai He, Linbo Wang, Zhenzhen He,and Xun Xiao.Modelling infant failure rate of electromechanical products with multilayered quality variations from manufacturing process.International Journal of Production Research.2016
8.Yihai He, Zhenzhen He, Linbo Wang, and Changchao Gu.Reliability Modeling and Optimization Strategy for Manufacturing System Based on RQR Chain.Mathematical Problems in Engineering.2015
7.Yihai He, Linbo Wang, Zhenzhen He, and Yi Wei.Product Reliability Oriented Design Scheme of Control Chart based on the Convergent CEV for Censored Characteristics.Mathematical Problems in Engineering.2015
6.Yihai He,Linbo Wang,Zhenzhen He,Min Xie. A fuzzy TOPSIS and rough set based approach for mechanism analysis of product infant failure,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2016,47:25-37.
5.Yihai He, Kai Mi, Chunhui Wu. A new statistical high-quality process monitoring method: the Counted-number between Omega-Events Control Chart. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2012, 28(4):427 – 436.
3.He Yihai, Shen Zhen, Yin Chao. Reliability analysis modeling of manufacturing systems based on process quality data,Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2014, 40(8):1027-1032.
2.He Yihai, Tang Xiaoqing, Design for quality based on product key quality characteristics, Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2007, 28(6):1468-1481.
1.He Yihai, Tang Xiaoqing, Wang Meiqing, Quality data management model in product design, Computer integrated manufacturing systems, 2006, 12(8):1161-1166.
Refereed Proceedings
6.Changchao Gu,Yihai He, Xiao Han.A Novel approach for Mission Reliability Modeling of Manufacturing System Based on the State Change of Machines and Materials.49th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CIRP-CMS 2016),Stuttgart,Germany,May 25th to 27th ,2016(SCI Indexed Source).
5.Zhenzhen He, Yihai He, Linbo Wang, Research on censored CUSUM control chart based on integration of discrete grey model and expectation maximization algorithm, The 7th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, October 25-26, 2014, Xi'an, China.
4. Wang Linbo,He Yihai,Yin Chao, Shen Zhen.Monitoring Process Stability for Life Test with Normal Censored Control Charts. The 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Information and Control ,Aug.16-18,2013,Harbing,China.
3. Shen Zhen,He Yihai,Mi Kai and Wu Chunhui. Research on control scheme of coordinate data based on multivariate SPC. The 19th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. October 27-29,2012, ChangSha, P.R China.
2.Yin Chao,He Yihai,Shen Zhen,Wu Chunhui.A Comparison of the Modified Likelihood-Ratio-Test-Based Shewhart and EWMA Control Charts for Monitoring Binary Profiles,The 19th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, October 27-29,2012,ChangSha, P.R China.
1.Jiaduo Wu, Yihai He, Wei Wang. Research on the Decomposition approach of Product Reliability in Manufacturing process. Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, 2012, 23-25 May, Beijing, China.
Books/ Book Chapters Edited
4.Yihai He,Wei Dai,Weifang Zhang.Theory and techniques of reliability in manufacturing,National Defence Industry Press, Beijing, 2016.
3.Zhao Yu, He Yihai, Dai Wei, System and connotation of quality engineering technologies,National Defence Industry Press, Beijing, 2016.
2. Kang Rui, He Yihai, Introduction to quality engineering technologies,Beihang University Press, Beijing, 2012(Beijing excellent teaching material of higher education).
1.Kang Rui, An Introduction to Reliability and Maintainability Engineering (Chapter 12, 15, 17),Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2010.
Undergraduate Student: Introduction to quality engineering technologies.
Graduate Student: Introduction to industrial and systems engineering,Advanced quality engineering technologies, Modern quality engineering technologies, Quality management and reliability.
Students Advised
Master students
7.Linbo Wang,graduated in 2015.Thesis:Research on Product Infant Failure Rate Analysis and Optimization Considering Quality Variations in Manufacturing Process.
6.Yin Chao,graduated in 2014,Thesis:Research on Degradation Mechanism and Risk Evaluation of Product Inherent Reliability in Manufacturing Process.
5.Shen Zhen,graduated in 2013,Thesis:Research on the Relational Model between Product Quality and Manufacturing System Reliability in Mechanical Process.
4.Wu Chunhui, graduated in 2012,Thesis:Research on Mechanical Process Reliability Evaluation and Control Method Based on Manufacturing Parameters.
3. Mi Kai, graduated in 2011,Thesis:Research on Product Reliability Variation Reduction in Manufacturing Based on the Model of Relationship of Reliability and Process Dimensions.
2. Ma Zhao, graduated in 2010,Thesis:Research on Process Quality Analysis Method Based on Coupling Degree and Information Content.
1. Mu Weiping, graduated in 2009,Thesis:Research and Application on the Quality Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Batch Production Products.
Undergraduate students
1. Li Nanfang,graduated in 2015,Thesis:Analysis Technology of Product Infant Failure Mechanism based on Data Mining.
2. Li Tao,graduated in 2014,Thesis:Research on the macroscopic quality index constructing approach based on panel data.
3.Nan Dong, graduated in 2013,Thesis:Study of Censored Quality Characteristic Control Charts.
4. Wen Zhi, graduated in 2012,Thesis:Research of teaching cases about experiments in DOE and SPC.
5. Wu Jiaduo, graduated in 2011,Thesis:Research on the reliability decomposition method for manufacturing process.
6. Yin Baoshi, graduated in 2010,Thesis:The experimentation case study of QFD and Taguchi design.
1.First class prize of State Science and Technology Progress Award in 2011
2.Third class prize of State Science and Technology Progress Award in 2011
3.Excellent Textbook of Beijing city in 2013
4.First Prize of Outstanding Performance and Achievement in Teaching of Beihang University in 2014.
5.Top ten beloved teacher of Beihang University in 2011 and 2013.
6.Excellent teacher of Beihang University in 2012.
Editorial Activities
Association Service
1.IEEE Member(Reliability Society).
2.ASQ full member.
3Member of branch of reliability engineering of Chinese Association for Applied Statistics.
4.Secretary of the Experts Group of quality and reliability engineering for national industry.
5.Journal director of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS)
6.Guest Editor of Chinese Journal of Engineering