
For prospective students


Yihai He-2021


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2016-09-26 Gu Changchao attended the ICAD 2016 at Xi'an
2016-09-26 欢迎刘枫棣和陈兆祥加入项目组
2016-09-14 祝贺谷长超和何珍珍获得2016年度国家奖学金
2016-09-02 RQR chain based quality control paper has been accepted and publis...
2016-07-04 祝贺何益海老师通过学校副教授职称答辩
2016-06-17 祝贺崔家铭本科毕设论文获评院优秀毕设论文
2016-05-30 Gu Changchao attended the CIRP-CMS 2016 at Germany
2016-05-17 祝贺工程硕士崔瑾和赵华顺利毕业
2016-05-14 何益海老师及项目组研究生分别参加可靠性技术前沿报告会
2016-04-22 何益海老师在学院做香港进修归来总结报告
2016-04-22 EAAI paper has been featured and indexed by Advances In Engineerin...
2016-04-05 Zhu Chunling & Wei Yi attended the IRC-SEMS2016 at Beijing
2016-04-01 Cui Jiaming attended the DET2016 at Nanjing
2016-03-17 梦拓小组与项目组研究生进行科研交流活动
2016-03-03 何益海老师圆满完成海外进修返回北航
2016-02-29 Infant failure rate modelling paper has been accepted and published...
2016-01-18 王林波代表毕业生在学院2016届研究生毕业典礼上发言
2016-01-16 祝贺王林波的学位论文以学院第一身份评为校优秀硕士论文
2015-12-23 Teacher He Yihai attended the seminar of Prof.Shlomo HAVLIN at City...
2015-12-16 He Zhenzhen attended the ISCID 2015 at Hangzhou
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